Honor Insurance

It’s an Honor to Help Our Clients Live Their Best Financial Lives

Building a strong client relationship through integrity, honor, honesty & hard work.

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Dedicated Partner in Helping You Reach Your Retirement Income Planning Goals

Honor Insurance is your faithful companion in the insurance and retirement services business. By your side, every step of the way, the firm is dedicated to helping clients live their best financial lives through the strategic use of insurance. Why is this important? Getting your financial life in order is key to having the time, energy and resources needed to pursue your overall life’s purpose. 

Our firm was founded on the values of faith and family above all. We strive to build strong client relationships through integrity, honor, honesty, hard work and treating people right. These are the foundational beliefs that built our country and are also our guiding principles in business. 

If you are interested in learning more about…

  • generating a guaranteed income stream in retirement,
  • leaving a legacy for your spouse, family or favorite cause,
  • protecting yourself with disability and long-term care insurance, and
  • how taxes can impact your finances and retirement

…we would be honored to meet you and work on behalf of you and your family!

Building Strategies Now for a Stronger Future

Honor Insurance can help you with insurance and retirement strategies designed to protect your assets. Many of our clients prefer stability and risk mitigation over market volatility. As always, understanding your goals and concerns will help determine the services offered.

IRA/401(k) Rollovers

Medicare Planning

Insurance Strategies

Tax Minimization Strategies

Retirement Income Planning

Guiding Principles Leading the Way to Your Retirement Future

When you partner with Honor Insurance, we get to know each client to learn their story and what makes them unique. The process involves a serious of meetings designed to get to know you so that we can identify your retirement goals and then outline strategies to meet those goals.

1) Get to Know You.

Who are you? What are your goals?

2) Assess Current Situation. 

What’s your current situation? What’s working or not?

3) Propose Strategies.

What strategies can be used to make improvements?

4) Implement Strategies.

Put strategies in place.

5) Review and Monitor.

Make strategy adjustments as life evolves.

How to Rock Your Old 401(k) & Avoid Surprise Tax Bills

How to Rock Your Old 401(k) & Avoid Surprise Tax Bills

As a taxpayer and saver, you’ve earned the right to see your savings grow in the most tax-efficient manner possible. Download your complimentary copy to learn more!

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